The annual International Scientific and Technical Conference “Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent System Design” (OSTIS) is dedicated to the development of flexible and compatible technologies that provide fast and high-quality building up of intelligent systems for various purposes.
At the conference, various aspects of using semantic technologies in the following fields of artificial intelligence are considered:
- hybrid intelligent computer systems;
- intelligent human-machine systems;
- computer vision;
- fuzzy calculations;
- intelligent agents;
- intelligent automation;
- knowledge control;
- knowledge engineering;
- ontological design;
- semantic networks;
- machine learning;
- artificial neural networks;
- natural language interface.
The conference focuses on standardization of intelligent systems, unification of the principles for building knowledge bases, problem solvers, and interfaces of intelligent systems, as well as solving the problem of semantic compatibility of various knowledge types, various problem-solving models, intelligent systems among themselves, and intelligent systems with their users.
The main purpose of the conference is to develop active cooperation between business, science, and education in the field of artificial intelligence.
Registration of conference participants and submission of materials are carried out through the CMT system. The materials of the reports submitted to the conference undergo a double-blind review procedure.
The language of the published materials is English.
Rules for the design of articles.
Working languages of the conference: Russian, Belarusian, English.
Summarizing the results of the conference, a collection of OSTIS scientific works is published annually, which is included in the List of scientific works of the Republic of Belarus for the publication of the thesis research results (The HAC List of the Republic of Belarus) and RSCI.
Since 2020, a collection of selected materials of the OSTIS conference has been published by the Springer publishing house, reviewed in Scopus. You can read more about this here.
The archive with electronic versions of the OSTIS scientific work collection and other information about it can be found at the official website of the collection.