We are pleased to announce that the dates of the OSTIS-2021 conference have been determined!

The OSTIS-2021 conference will be held on September 16-18, 2021 on the basis of the educational institution “Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics”, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

Since the last OSTIS conference (OSTIS-2020), some significant events for the conference have occured:

  • the OSTIS collection of scientific works is included in the List of scientific works of the Republic of Belarus for the publication of the thesis research results (The HAC List of the Republic of Belarus) in the technical field of study (informatics, computer engineering, and management);
  • following the results of the OSTIS-2020 conference, a collection of selected conference materials was published by the Springer publishing house (link is here), articles from which are also automatically indexed in the Scopus system.

The OSTIS-2021 conference is of particular importance, since its purpose is to create conditions aimed at ensuring the unification and semantic compatibility of the developed intelligent computer systems as well as their ability to independently coordinate their activities in the joint problem solving in unpredictable conditions. Without this, it is impossible to implement such projects as Smart Home, Smart City, Smart Enterprise, Smart Healthcare, Smart Society.

The main organizational purpose of the OSTIS-2021 conference is the official creation of an international consortium for the development and evolvement of a complex open semantic technology for the development of semantically compatible intelligent computer systems, which is based on:

  • convergence and integration of various fields of artificial intelligence on the basis of semantic knowledge representation;
  • focus on the development of the new generation computers for intelligent computer systems.

The disunity of various fields of artificial intelligence is the main obstacle to the creation of an integrated technology for intelligent computer systems. In this regard, we ask to plan the participation in the OSTIS-2021 conference only for those who are ready to discuss the most diverse aspects of solving these problems (primarily in their reports) as well as to participate in the further implementation of these decisions within the above consortium.

In accordance with the foregoing, when selecting and reviewing articles sent for inclusion in the OSTIS-2021 collection of scientific works, as a necessary criterion, the compliance with the subject of the conference will serve.

More information about the conference can be found in the newsletter.