The news about the conference is posted on the BSUIR website
Dates of the conference: April 18-20, 2024.
The main practical result of the current stage of work in the field of Artificial intelligence is the creation of not only intelligent computer systems of the next generation that ensure effective interaction in solving complex tasks, but also the creation of a technological complex that ensures the rapid and high-quality construction of such systems.
The development of this technological complex requires solving the following tasks:
- a clear identification of the logical and semantic level of intelligent computer systems, which abstracts from all possible options for the technical implementation of these systems (including the use of fundamentally new computers focused on their hardware support);
- development of an ontology for designing intelligent computer systems and unification of the description of their logical and semantic models;
- ensuring the platform-independent nature of the logical design of intelligent computer systems, the result of which is a unified description of the logical and semantic models of the designed systems;
- using the methodology of component design of intelligent computer systems, which is based on a constantly replenished library of reusable components of these systems (reusable subsystems, knowledge base components, knowledge processing agents, user interface components);
- ensuring semantic compatibility of reusable components of intelligent computer systems and semantic compatibility of these systems themselves, as well as technologies for their design and support of subsequent stages of their life cycle.
The main objectives of the OSTIS-2024 Conference are:
- expansion of the team of authors of the next version of the OSTIS Technology Standard (Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems) — a Technology Standard for Component support of the life cycle of semantically compatible intelligent computer systems of a new generation;
- creating conditions for the development of cooperation between various scientific schools, universities, research and design organizations aimed at the creation, permanent development and mass application of this technology.
The topic of the OSTIS-2024 Conference is various aspects of convergence and integration, ensuring the transition to intelligent computer systems of a new generation and the corresponding technology for integrated support of their life cycle:
- convergence and integration of various models of information representation and processing in intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- convergence and integration of various types of knowledge in the knowledge bases of intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- convergence and integration of various problem solving models in intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- convergence and integration of various types of interfaces of intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- convergence and integration of various areas of artificial intelligence in order to build a general formal theory of intelligent computer systems of a new generation;
- convergence and integration of design technologies of various components of intelligent computer systems of a new generation in order to build a comprehensive technology for designing intelligent computer systems of a new generation;
- convergence and integration of technologies to support various stages of the life cycle of intelligent computer systems of a new generation in order to build a technology for integrated support of all stages of the life cycle of intelligent computer systems of a new generation;
- convergence and integration of various types of human activities in the field of Artificial intelligence (research activities, development of technological complex, applied engineering, educational activities) to increase the level of coherence and coordination of these activities, as well as to increase the level of their complex automation with the help of semantically compatible intelligent computer systems of a new generation;
- convergence and integration of various types and areas of human activity, as well as means of complex automation of this activity with the help of intelligent computer systems of a new generation.
The main directions of the OSTIS-2024 Conference:
- Requirements for intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- The principles underlying intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- Requirements for the semantic representation of information. The universal language of the semantic representation of knowledge;
- Ontological stratification of the semantic representation of knowledge bases in intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- Agent-oriented hierarchical model of hybrid problem solvers based on the semantic representation of knowledge bases;
- Ontological model of multimodal interfaces of intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- A model of understanding information coming from outside, based on the semantic representation of knowledge bases;
- Flexibility, stratification, reflexivity and learnability of intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- Unification, standardization and semantic compatibility of intelligent computer systems of the new generation — consistency of concepts and terms;
- Interoperability (the ability to interact effectively) of intelligent computer systems of a new generation — the ability to understand each other, ability to negotiate, the ability to coordinate their actions in the collective solution of complex tasks;
- Integrated technology for designing intelligent computer systems of a new generation;
- Platforms for the implementation of intelligent computer systems of a new generation. Software platforms and associative semantic computers focused on the implementation of intelligent computer systems of a new generation;
- Convergence of logical-semantic models of intelligent computer systems of a new generation and architectures of associative semantic computers providing interpretation of these models. Wave programming languages;
- The principles underlying the Technology of integrated support of the life cycle of intelligent computer systems of the new generation;
- A global ecosystem of intelligent computer systems of a new generation, providing complex convergence and automation of all kinds of human activities.