1. Contents

The competition of software and hardware-software products of students is held within the OSTIS annual international scientific and technical conferences.

The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.

  1. Terms of the competition and the procedure for submitting works

Projects of applied intelligent systems and systems aimed at supporting the design of intelligent systems can take part in the competition of student projects.

The size of the team should not exceed 10 people, and no more than one application for participation in the contest can be submitted from each project team (see Appendix 1).

To participate in the competition, it is necessary to fill out the participant’s application through the CMT system before January 15 of the current year (from one project participant, for example, the manager), send the article (the requirements for the article can be found on the conference website), sending the collective photo through system is desirable, send a document through the system (in pdf format, doc / docx), in which the following information should be specified:

  1. name of the project;
  2. project stuffing:
  • name;
  • role in the project (manager, tester, developer, etc.);
  • organization;
  • country;
  • city;
  • E-mail for communication.
  1. Characteristics of the project:
  • When the development of the project began?
  • What is the purpose of the project?
  • Relevance (briefly).
  • Practical significance (what tasks it solves).
  • Availability of a scientific component.
  1. Procedure of the contest

3.1 Stages of the competition

The competition is held in three stages:

  • Stage 1 – reviewing the text of the article (on general grounds).
  • The 2nd stage is a personal speaking of the author(s) of the article with the report. Presentation of the report is carried out on a general basis in accordance with the program of the conference during one of the sessions.
  • The 3rd stage is the exhibition presentation of the prototype of the software or hardware and software product. This presentation is held in accordance with the conference program.

Based on the results of the preliminary and final examination, all points for each product are summed up. The product with the highest number of points becomes the winner of the competition.

Summing up the results of the jury voting and awarding the participants of the competition are carried out on the last day of the conference.

3.2 Criteria for evaluating a product submitted to the contest

Criteria for evaluating a software or hardware and software product:

  • relevance;
  • level of scientific results;
  • level of the report;
  • practical significance;
  • the description quality of the components that are part of the project;
  • characteristics of the technical implementation;
  • uniqueness and novelty of the project;
  • prototype quality of the developed system.
  1. Nominations in awarding the participants of the competition

Nominations in awarding the participants of the competition are:

  • the best report on the system being developed;
  • the best prototype of the developed system.
  1. Contact details of the contest organizers

Materials for participation in the Contest are submitted through the CMT system.

Methodological and advisory assistance to the participants of the competition is carried out only through the e-mail of the conference: