To sign up for the conference and send all the necessary materials, use the CMT system. Through it, communication with the organizers and review of articles will take place.
The working languages of the conference are Russian, Belarusian, and English.
Formatting of the article
Articles in the collection of conference materials are accepted only in English.
Articles formatted according to the template are accepted until March 24.
Template for the design of articles
Guidelines for the design of articles
Design of the list of references
The article should consist of an even number of pages of A4 format (width – 21 cm, height – 29.7 cm). The minimum volume of the article is 6 fully filled pages. Articles that consist of more than 6 pages are subject to coordination with the Program Committee by e-mail
We draw your attention to the correct registration of the article affiliation: the author’s name is written in full and placed before the surname, then the name of the organization is indicated; in English, you should not write a prefix to the main name of the university or institute, such as, for example, “Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science”, “Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education”, or an abbreviation of this part of the name (FSBIS, FSBEO HPE); only the main, unchanging (permanent) name of the organization should be written in the affiliation; the full name of the organization should be given in the affiliation without abbreviations; all significant words in the names of organizations and their divisions should be written with capital letters in accordance with the English rules for writing organizations; only prepositions and articles are not capitalized; careless attitude to this rule dramatically reduces the impression of the journal; this also applies to the representation of organizations on journal websites; affiliation must be complete on a geographical basis – in addition to the name of the organization, include information about the geographical location of the organization (city name, index, name of the country).
The authors place the first version of the article in the CMT system without affiliation to provide a double-blind review.
After passing the review and making a final decision on the publication of the article, the final version of the article with full affiliation, annotations in English and Russian languages is placed in the Camera Ready Submission Form section.
Please note that the abstract (150 words) should briefly contain a description of the following parameters represented in the article: goal, method, results, conclusion.
The program committee will consider no more than 2 articles of one person, where they act as an author or co-author.
The editors reserve the right to carry out computer layout of the submitted articles but will not subject the received articles to literary editing. They will retain all the features of the author’s style, including possible inaccuracies.
Review and publication procedure
Articles are reviewed by independent experts. The first stage of the review will be held from March 25 to April 1 inclusive. Reviews and comments of reviewers can also be seen in the CMT system.
Based on the results of the review, the author sends the organizing committee a letter of consent, which provides for the further possibility of posting the articles included in the conference collection in open electronic access on other resources at the discretion of the editorial board of the collection. The scanned version of the letter is sent to, and the original letter is sent by mail to the address: 220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P.Brovka street, 6, educational institution “Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics”, Department of Intelligent Information Technologies or provided by the author personally upon arrival at the conference.
Letter of consent
The Organizing Committee does not charge a fee for the publication of scientific articles. Advertising articles, as well as articles funded by manufacturing companies and / or their distributors, are not accepted for consideration.
Author’s materials do not necessarily reflect the point of view of the program committee and the editorial board of the collection.
Review algorithm
This year, a bilateral blind peer review is being conducted. The review algorithm is as follows:
- The received manuscript is checked for formatting and compliance with the subject of the conference. In case of non-compliance with the primary criteria, the manuscript is rejected with the Desk Reject status. In case of a positive decision, the manuscript proceeds to the second step of review.
- Review. The manuscript is sent to two reviewers for review:
- in the case of two positive reviews (Accept/Accept), the manuscript is sent for a final review to the meta-reviewer;
- in the case of a pair of Accept/Send for Revision or Send for Revision/Send for Revision solutions, the manuscript is sent for revision to the author and, after revision, to the third step of reviewing to the meta-reviewer;
- in the case of a pair of Send for Revision/Send for Revision solutions, the manuscript is sent for revision by the author and, after revision, to the third step of reviewing to both reviewers;
- in the case of Reject solution , the article is sent for revision to the author and two meta-reviewers appointed to make a final decision;
- if both solutions are Reject, the article is rejected. Pay attention! Manuscripts that are not accepted for publication at the second stage of review are given the Reject status in the system. If the manuscript is accepted for publication based on the results of the subsequent review steps, it will receive the Accept status at the appropriate step.
- Re-review. Re-review is carried out only by the reviewer who made the Send for Revision decision at the second step:
- in the case of a pair of Accept/Accept or Accept/Send for Revision decisions, the manuscript is accepted for publication;
- in the case of a pair of Send for Revision/Send for Revision or Accept/Reject solutions, the article moves to the fourth stage of review;
- in all other cases, the article is rejected.
- Meta-review. At this step, the articles are assigned one meta-reviewer, who, in agreement with the members of the program committee, makes the final decision regarding the publication of the article.
Within the period from April 2 to April 4 , authors should make changes according to the comments of reviewers and post the corrected text of the article in the CMT system. Meta-review is conducted from April 5 to April 7. After making a final decision, the author places a fully corrected and complete version of the article (with affiliation and annotations in Russian and English) in the Camera Ready Submission section.
Registration of the article list of references
- The article list of references is drawn up only in Latin script. References to Russian-language sources should be translated or transliterated.
- The list of references should contain at least 10 sources.
- Self-citation should not exceed 20% of the list of references.
Contacts for communication:
+375 17 293-89-23 – Natalia Grakova