1. Contents

The competition of young scientists reports is held within the OSTIS annual international scientific and technical conferences.

The purpose of the competition is to identify and encourage the scientific activity of talented young researchers.

The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.

  1. Conditions of the competition and the procedure for submitting works

Among the authors of the report submitted to the competition of young scientists reports should be scientists with degrees and titles, but authors who do not have degrees and titles under the age of 35 years should directly submit a report.

To participate in the contest, it is necessary to fill out the participant’s form through the CMT system, send the article for publication in the Collection of Materials of the OSTIS Conference as well as a personal photo of each author of the article (the requirements for the design of the article are posted on the conference website).

With the submitted work, the contestant (young scientist) is obliged to personally speak at the conference according to the program.

  1. Procedure of the contest

The competition is held in two stages:

  • Stage 1 – reviewing the text of the article (on general grounds). Based on the results of the review, a decision is made on the publication / non-publication of the article and, accordingly, on the inclusion / non-inclusion of the report in the conference program.
  • The 2nd stage is a personal speaking of the author(s) of the article with the report. Presentation of the report is carried out on a general basis in accordance with the program of the conference during one of the sessions.

Authors of scientific works admitted to participate in the competition based on the results of the review receive invitations.

All participants of the competition receive a certificate of participation, and the authors of the most interesting works are marked with diplomas and valuable prizes.

Scientific works of young scientists accepted for participation in the competition will be published in the Collection of Materials of the OSTIS Conference.

Summing up the results of the jury voting and awarding the participants of the competition are carried out on the third day of the conference, before the closing of the OSTIS conference.

  1. Contact details of the contest organizers

Materials for participation in the Contest are submitted through the CMT system.

Methodological and advisory assistance to the participants of the competition is carried out only through the e-mail of the conference: